Maslow’s hierarchical stages of human needs (1943) are described as:

1) physiological

2) safety

3) love

4) self-confidence

5) self-actualization.

After being clothed, well-fed and sheltered, we move onto a need of safety/freedom from fear.

This is significant from a sensory perspective as we only experience a sense of comfort and safety on a primitive brain level, if we know what our sensory needs and preferences are. What are our triggers? What makes us feel unsafe and elicits a fight/flight/fright response? Crucial knowledge to have about oneself.

Sensory awareness and -management allow employees to move from basic safety needs, onto the next tier, and the next, towards self-actualization. Employees who feel comfortable and safe, appreciated and confident, are the ones you need on your team.

Managers càn facilitate safety and regulation if they have knowledge and insight into unique sensory workstyles, and know-how around sensory strategies and environmental productivity adaptations.

Do not leave your team stuck on level two, you have the power to catapult them towards self-actualization; an absolute win-win for both employer and employee.


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