Sensory Consulting
Brain Sense consulting offers sensory awareness and integration – unpacking bottom brain energy to optimize health, wellness and productivity.
It makes use of sensory science to create bottom brain awareness in individuals, families, teams, and organizations.
Sensory Profiling
Determine your own unique sensory profile through the online sensory questionnaire. The questionnaire measures your sensory processing style and will provide threshold scores for every sensory system, be it sensory seeking, sensory avoiding, sensory neutral, or fluctuating. A customized 25-page report with your threshold results, as well as simple sensory snacks, diets, and ergonomics for your profile, is generated. You will receive a username and password to complete the profile online in your own time. Answer the 120 questions quickly, intuitively, and according to your sensory comfort levels. This is all about you. It will only take 15 minutes of your time to unpack and demystify bottom brain energy. Meet your sensory self!
Sensory Workshops
Sensory workshops for teams is a powerful morale builder. Organizational culture embracing of diverse sensory styles will reap the benefits. Once individual sensory styles have been determined, the team’s sensory profile can be unpacked. This will create a culture respectful of neurodiversity. Awareness around the impact sensory preferences has on stress levels, decision making, behavioural rituals, leadership style, etc. is a powerful culture changer. Sensory workshops are custom fit to organizational needs following an in-depth needs analysis. Workshop themes include: Sensory stress management, Sensory sharp at 3pm, Sensory self-care, Sensory styles and productivity, Sensory mindfulness, Sensory Collaboration, Open plan office etiquette, etc. Workshops vary between half-day, one-day, or multiple day options.
Sensory Design
Scientific workspace and home design according to specific sensory profiles is an exciting journey and a very smart move. Environments conducive to bottom brain needs will support regulated emotional responses, improve stress management, enhance healthier behavioural patterns, and increase productivity. Scientific sensory design will create workspaces conducive to calm alert energy levels, where employees are able to move from bottom brain function to the prefrontal cortex where deep work, creative thinking, and problem solving is situated. Spaces tapping into sensory science draws people back, again and again, without them being able to pinpoint why.
Sensory Coaching
Sensory coaching for individuals, couples, and families creates awareness, insight, and empowerment around bottom brain energy. Once sensory thresholds are determined, non-threatening and practical strategies can be implemented to improve health, wellness, and productivity. Your sensory processing style directly impacts emotions, behaviour, and your ability to focus. Learn more about yourself and how your environment can be distracting or organizing. Self-awareness will increase awareness around diverse sensory styles within families, to work towards empathy, non-judgement, improved communication, and wholeness within relationships.
Sensory Audits
Workspace and home environments should be designed mindfully to improve wholeness, well-being, and productivity. Sensory audits measure space, through meticulous analysis of several key best-practice factors. A report with sensory recommendations is compiled to create an ideal work- or home environment. Workspace design with sensory diversity in mind is scientific and effective. Healthy and happy employees stay, especially if the environment is positive, vibrant, and conducive to bottom brain energy and flow. Tap into the regulatory movement system to get down to the “business of business” and increase workforce productivity. Let me show you how.
Sensory Tools
Once sensory profiles have been determined, custom-fit sensory tools can be implemented at work, at home, and at school to assist regulation on a bottom brain level. These tools will help individuals and teams reach the optimal calm alert state for health, well-being, and productivity. Sensory tools are not once-size-fit-all, but a trial and error consultative process. Let me journey with you around your unique sensory needs to determine the right sensory tools for your thresholds. Sensation can either alert, or calm the bottom brain, as the senses are entry points into the brain to powerfully reset energy levels. Once you understand your sensory system needs, you can embark on this exciting journey and nourish your senses effectively.