Whether you are presenting a paper, competing as a top athlete, leading an important meeting, or writing an exam – preparation is key. We all know we simply cannot scroll through social media deep into the night, roll out of bed (late), skip breakfast, consume too much coffee, agonize over traffic, and expect a calm-creative top performance.
For a day of POWERFUL flow, start by doing only one thing per sensory system:
1) Visual: Instead of Screentime, feast your eyes on nature
2) Auditory: Listen to your favourite song, while humming/singing along loudly
3) Touch: Take a cold shower
4) Taste: EAT breakfast providing crunch and chew
5) Smell: Enjoy a cup of peppermint tea, and
6) Movement: Hang your head at your knees
The sensory neuroscience behind these strategies are irrefutable, and on another day I will happily explain away, but for now, take it from me that you simply cannot go without this morning ritual.
Now, all that’s left to do is to pull your shoulders right back, take one big breath, and enjoy. You’ve. Got. This.